Gen2/MBB Console

< Gen2

A serial console via the OBD-II Port accesses the MBB for diagnostics.

Subsystem diagnostics



MBB Console
Zero motorcycles communicate with TTL level serial out of vendor-discretion-reserved ODB-II connector pinout.
Connecting to this port with a PC will allow common terminal software to communicate with the bike.
Logs obtained this way are fully decoded; they're just text to capture to a file.
Modifications to the software configuration can be made through this connection after "logging in".

Bluetooth Relay

Mobile devices generally require a bluetooth relay for the serial protocol, lacking programmable hardware ports. PCs with a Bluetooth antenna can use a relay for convenience.

DigiNow Bluetooth Data Dongle
This relays the serial terminal via the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile.
It plugs into the OBD-II and exposes the serial terminal on pins 8 and 9 over Bluetooth.
This only works for model years 2012-2016, since it relies on a 3.3V power supply from pin 12, which seems to be unwired on 2017 model year bikes onward.
NOTE: Do not use an extension cable for this dongle, as it powers its antenna from a small MBB circuit which a cable attenuates too much.
DIY Installing a Bluetooth OBD-II dongle on a Zero Motorcycle

OBD cables for Zero

ECM Cables' OBD products for Zero

Cable Connection

You can build a DIY cable to connect a PC using a USB to TTL serial cable and a ODB-II connector.

See How to build a cable to access the MBB

Serial Terminal Software

Baud Rate
Serial Configuration
Newline is CR-LF, the DOS/Windows convention.
Platform Software Setup
Android BlueTerm app Settings: Under Preferences, set Outgoing End Of Line to Replace By CRLF.
Prompted with a CR or two, the Zero MBB> prompt appears.
iOS iOS only supports Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) which does not support the serial port profile.
Windows PuTTY
Linux Minicom
CoolTerm (freeware, unsigned)
Decisive Tactics' Serial ($30)
Per this thread, CoolTerm has driver and usability issues; Serial is more robust despite the price.


ZERO MBB> help
*                        Main Menu                          *

  help            - Display this Help screen
  login           - Show login level, or login with password
  logout          - Log out of MBB
  version         - Display board and firmware revision
  status          - Show the status of the Main Bike Board
  stats           - Display All statistics
  runtime         - Show Total Run Time
  set             - Show all settings, or edit a specific setting
  bms             - Display BMS data
  bluetooth       - Display/modify Bluetooth connection
  sevcon          - Display Sevcon Motor Controller Data
  chargers        - Show info for all charger ports
  inputs          - Show all inputs
  outputs         - Show all outputs
  dash            - Show all dash info
  eventlogdump    - Display the contents of the event log 
  errorlogdump    - Display the contents of the error log 
  dumpall         - Dump all data (stats, inputs, settings, and logs

Commands that do not appear in the above:

  test isolation
Useful commands
dumplogs yields about 1MB of logs across all systems and shows current settings.
  • NOTE: Set your terminal to capture to file when using this; it could take a few minutes.
Full Output
*                        Main Menu                          *

  help            - Display this Help screen
  login           - Show login level, or login with password
  logout          - Log out of MBB
  version         - Display board and firmware revision
  status          - Show the status of the Main Bike Board
  stats           - Display All statistics
  runtime         - Show Total Run Time
  statsrst        - Reset All statistics
  set             - Show all settings, or edit a specific setting
  settingsrst     - Reset all settings to defaults
  bms             - Display BMS data
  bluetooth       - Display/modify Bluetooth connection
  sevcon          - Display Sevcon Motor Controller Data
  sevcon faults   - Display all Sevcon Faults
  sevcon preop    - Toggles Preop Mode
  chargers        - Show info for all charger ports
  charger         - Set parameters for all charger ports
  inputs          - Show all inputs
  outputs         - Show all outputs
  dash            - Show all dash info
  eventlogdump    - Display the contents of the event log 
  eventlogclear   - Clears the Event log  Destroys all existing log entries.
  eventlogadd     - Adds an arbitrary string to the Event Log
  errorlogdump    - Display the contents of the error log 
  errorlogclear   - Clears the Event log  Destroys all existing log entries.
  errorlogadd     - Adds an arbitrary string to the Error Log
  eeprom          - Show EEPROM usage
  eeprom dump x y - Dump <y> bytes of EEPROM starting at addr <x>
  eeprom set x y  - Set a byte in Eeprom at address x to y
  format eeprom   - Reset All To Factory Defaults (Reformat EEPROM)
  erase eeprom    - Erase entire EEPROM
  reset           - Reset CPU with SW reset
  exit_to_bl      - Exit main app and start bootloader
  timing          - Display system timing
  can             - Display CANbus information
  wdt reset       - Force Watchdog Timeout
  test            - Run Specific Test, or show test options menu
  dumpall         - Dump all data (stats, inputs, settings, and logs

Version Information

Check the Rev numbers against the known firmware versions to see if you're out of date (or possibly have newer firmware!).

ZERO MBB> version
Output (2014 SR)
*                                                           *
*                  Zero Motorcycles MBB                     *
*                                                           *
*                 Board Name : MBB PCB ASSY 14MY IMPL       *
*                   Board PN : 41-06288                     *
*                  Board Rev : 01                           *
*              Firmware Name : FIRMWARE MBB 14MY IMPL       *
*                Firmware PN : 75-06504                     *
*               Firmware Rev : 49                           *
*                      Built : Apr 12 2016 13:45:59         *


ZERO MBB> status
Output (2014SR)
*                        Bike Status                        *

***  Bike
   - Mode                   : Charging
   - OB Charger 0 Attached : Yes
   - OB Charger 1 Attached : No
   - OB Charger 2 Attached : No
   - Ext Charger 0 Attached  : No
   - Ext Charger 1 Attached  : No

***  Motor Controller
   - On                     :  No
   - CAN connected          :  No
   - CAN Operational        :  No
   - In Operational Mode    : Yes
   - Drive Mode             : Custom
   - Motor Temp             :  27C - Normal
   - Controller Temp        :  15C - Normal
   - Enabled                :  No
     - Kill Switch
     - Kickstand Switch
     - MBB charger connected
   - Number of Faults       :   0 

***  Batteries
   - Num Modules in System  :   1
   - Num Registered Modules :   1
   - Total SOC              : 100 %
   - Pessimistic SOC        : 100 %
   - Total Capacity         :  91 AH
   - Remaining Capacity     :  91 AH
   - Total Energy Used      : 643 KWH
   - Throttle En Wire       :  Enabled

     Num  Node MY   Ver SOC  Cap(AH) Volts   SCVolts Bal(mV) Cur(A) HTemp LTemp ChgAtt Low Crit OvTmp UndTmp Cont IsoErr IsoResK IsoCell
     00     8  2014  49 100%  91     116.392 116.372    2       0     20C   19C  -      -   -    -     -      -    -      10486   08      

***  Chargers
 - Charge Standby Time       :  00000:00:35:53

***  Info Messages
 - INFO    : Kill switch is in OFF position
 - INFO    : Kickstand switch is in DOWN position
 - INFO    : MBB Charger Connected
 - INFO    : Bluetooth Discoverability is On

***  Warning Messages
 - No Warnings

***  Error Messages
 - No Errors


ZERO MBB> stats
Output (2014SR)
*               Statistics             *

  - Board Revision            :  01
  - Firmware Revision         :  49

  - Num Resets                :  978
  - Num Watchdog Resets       :  0
  - Num Abnormal Resets       :  0
  - Num Sevcon SDO Errors     :  0

  - EEPROM Write Cycles       :  91492

  - System Time               :  04/24/2017 22:31:33
  - This runtime              :  00000:01:54:27
  - Longest runtime           :  00005:02:40:16
  - Total on time             :  00013:05:40:10
  - Total run time            :  00007:19:30:25
  - Total charger time        :  00003:01:23:41
  - Idle Time                 :  00000:00:00:00
  - Charge Standby Time       :  00000:00:36:04

  - Max Battery Temp          :  47 C
  - Max Motor Temp            :  133 C
  - Max Controller Temp       :  52 C

  - Total Watt-Hours          :  1003760 WH
  - Trip 0 Watt-Hours         :  0 WH
  - Trip 1 Watt-Hours         :  511369 WH

  - Instant Watt Hours Per Km :  0.00 WH/km (0.00 mi/kWh)
  - Trip Watt Hours Per Km    :  0.00 WH/km (0.00 mi/kWh)
  - Lifetime Watt Hours Per Km : 64.80 WH/km (25.72 mi/kWh)

  - Odometer                  :  33956225 motor rev
                              :  15489 km
                              :  9624 miles
  - Trip Odometer 0           :  0 motor rev
                              :  0 km
                              :  0 miles
  - Trip Odometer 1           :  17075336 motor rev
                              :  7789 km
                              :  4840 miles

  - Top Speed                 :  166 KPH
                              :  103 MPH
  - Max Motor Speed           :  6078 RPM
  - HPD Events                :  23
  - Time of last HPD          :  00059:13:30:22
  - Throttle Error Events     :  0
  - Time of last Thr Error    :  00000:00:00:00

Run Time

Output (2014 SR)
*                Run Time              *
  - Total run time            :  00007:19:30:25
  - Total charger time        :  00003:01:23:41


Output (2014 SR)
*                   System Settings Menu                    *

  model           - Model Name                                   SR
  vin             - VIN Number                    <redacted>
  serial          - Serial Number             2014_mbb_<redacted>
  runtime         - Total Run Time                   00007:19:30:25
  test_mode       - Test Mode                   : Off
Full Output (2016 DSR)
*                   System Settings Menu                    *

  model           - Model Name                                  DSR
Install-time programming; this has undocumented/intentional effects.
  model_year      - Model Year                                 2016
Install-time programming; this has undocumented/intentional effects.
  vin             - VIN Number                    <redacted>
Install-time programming; this has undocumented/intentional effects.
  serial          - Serial Number             2015_mbb_<redacted>
  runtime         - Total Run Time                   00007:04:19:02

  secidle         - Seconds Idle Before Turn Off: 7200
How long after receiving no throttle input the bike will open its contactor.
  motstage1       - Motor Temp Stage1           :  100 C
The motor temperature trigger for Error Code 2 where the dash flashes a temperature warning light.
  motstage2       - Motor Temp Stage2           :  145 C
The motor temperature trigger for Error Code 3 which triggers power cutbacks or a shutdown.
  ctrlstage1      - Controller Temp Stage1      :   70 C
The controller temperature trigger for Error Code 4 where the dash flashes a temperature warning light.
  ctrlstage2      - Controller Temp Stage2      :   75 C
The controller temperature trigger for Error Code 5 which triggers power cutbacks or a shutdown.
  spfront         - Sprocket Teeth Front        :   28
The number of teeth on the front sprocket, input to speedometer calculation.
  sprear          - Sprocket Teeth Rear         :  130
The number of teeth on the rear sprocket, input to speedometer calculation.
  rwhcirc         - Rear Wheel Circum           : 2072 mm
The circumference of the rear wheel (to the pavement / around the tire), input to speedometer calculation.
  kill            - Kill Switch Polarity        :  closedrun (1)
Which way the kill switch should operate.
  use_3way_mode   - Use Three Way Mode Sw       : No
Whether to use the handlebar mode switch...?
  use_mode_leds   - Use bicolor Riding Mode LEDs: No
Whether the Riding Mode setting should use Dash LEDs blink mode to indicate the current setting.
  zeroneutral     - Neutral When Off Throt      :  Yes
Whether the resting throttle position is used as a neutral position (before regen).
  zerothresh      - Throttle Off Threshold      :  750 mV
What voltage level from the throttle below which should be considered the neutral position.
  brakeregen      - Apply Regen On Brake        :  Yes
Whether the brake switch should apply max brake regen.
  brakefilter     - Brake Switch Filter         :  100 ms
How long after the brake switch is activated that the light and regen should trigger.
  noregenstopped  - Prevent Regen When Stopped  :  Yes
Whether regen is prevented below 13mph.
  fuelgaugepes    - Fuel Gauge Pessimism        :    5%
(TBD) Generally assumed that the SoC indication is reduced by (as much as?) this amount to provide a buffer.
  sevnoregspeed   - Prevent Regen At High Speed :  Yes
Whether regen is allowed above 70mph. Risks over-current and over-charging (at 100% SoC).
  sevmaxregrpm    - Max Regen RPM               : 4500 rpm
What speed should regen top out at. (60mph)
  sevnoregfull    - Prevent Regen When Full     :  Yes
Whether regen should be prevented at 100% SoC.
  sevmaxregv      - Max Regen Cell Voltage      : 4160 mV
What cell voltage (pack voltage / 28) should disable regen to prevent over-charging.
  seveconstartc   - Sevcon Economy Start Temp   :  170 C
  seveconendc     - Sevcon Economy End Temp     :  180 C
  seveconendvalue - Sevcon Economy End Value    : 2fff (0x0000-0x7FFF)
  sevmaxdischgcur - Sevcon Max Batt Dischg Amps :  690 A 
Maximum current the Sevcon will allow from the motor (relevant at low voltages/SoC trying to get 100% torque).
  ov_kickstand    - Override Kickstand Disable  :  No
Whether to override the kickstand operation safety interlock.
  ov_mot_temp     - Override Mot Temp Disable   :  No
Whether to override the motor temperature safety interlock.
  ov_cont_temp    - Override Ctrl Temp Disable  :  No
Whether to override the controller temperature safety interlock.
  ov_batt_temp    - Override Batt Temp Disable  :  No
Whether to override the battery temperature safety interlock.
  ov_low_batt     - Override Low Batt Disable   :  No
Whether to override the low battery voltage safety interlock.
  req_loopback    - Require Module Loopback     :  Yes
  bypass_bms      - Bypass BMS interface        :  No
  ov_chg_dis      - Override charger disable    :  No
Whether to override the charger disabling safety interlock.
  ignore_iso_err  - Ignore isolation error      :  No
Whether to ignore low-isolation-to-ground reports.
  inhibit_iso     - Prevent isolation testing   :  No

  debug_level     - Debug Level                 : 1
Changes the verbosity and detail of event and error logging.
  bridge_can      - Bridge Canbus Channels      : 1
  bike_can_en     - Enable Bike Canbus          : 1
  sevcon_can_en   - Enable Sevcon Canbus        : 1

  reserve_sw      - Use a reserve partition     : No
Whether to use a part of the battery as a reserve.
  reserve_pct     - Reserve partition           : 33%
How much SoC to treat as a battery reserve.
  safe_ov_sw      - Allow Safety Override Sw    : No
Allow a specific digital input to be treated as a battery reserve selector.
  logrun          - Log freq while riding       : 3000 ms
The time interval for operational logging while riding (3 seconds).
  logchg          - Log freq while charging     : 600000 ms
The time interval for operational logging while charging (10 minutes).
  manmod          - Manage Module Connections   : Yes
Whether the MBB should manage battery modules coming online.
  allowdiffmods   - Allow Modules w/ Diff Volt  : Yes
Whether the MBB should allow battery modules to have differing voltages.
  prewait         - Contactor wait after prechg : 0 ms
How long, after precharge raises the controller voltage to the desired level, the contactor should wait before closing.
  prechg          - Precharge pct to wait for   : 85%  
What percentage of battery voltage should precharge target for the controller.
  pretimeout      - Precharge timeout           : 10000 ms
How long to wait before determining that precharge has failed (10 seconds).
  moddiff         - Allowed Module Voltage Diff : 3000mV
How much battery module voltage difference to allow before closing contactors (3V).
  chgstby         - Charge Standby Time         : 1440 min
How long the BMS should sleep after reaching target/100% SoC before waking up to rebalance cells.
  maxcustsp       - Max Custom Speed            : 98 MPH ( 158 KPH ) ( 5887 RPM )
Custom Mode maximum speed setting (takes number in mph up to 102, outputs RPM).
  maxcusttq       - Max Custom Torque           : 100 ( 100 % of allowed )
Custom Mode maximum torque setting as a percentage of allowed by the Sevcon controller.
  maxcustregcotq  - Max Custom Regen Coast Torque :   0 (   0 % of allowed )
Custom Mode maximum regen setting as a percentage of allowed by the Sevcon controller.
  maxcustregbrtq  - Max Custom Regen Brake Torque :  10 ( 100 % of allowed )
Custom Mode maximum brake regen setting as a percentage of allowed by the Sevcon controller.
  rangecurfilt    - Range Current Filter Coef     : 0x00003000
(TBD) The time interval to poll current for the range estimate?
  rangespeedfilt  - Range Speed Filter Coef       : 0x00003000
(TBD) The time interval to poll speed for the range estimate?
  rangerefresh    - Dash Range Refresh Rate       : 5000 ms
How long the dash should wait to refresh its range estimate (5 seconds).
  test_mode       - Test Mode                   : Off
Enters test mode...
  bt_disc         - Bluetooth Discoverability   : Off
Makes the MBB stay in Bluetooth Discoverability mode after reboot.
  abs_disable     - Disable ABS via terminal    : Off
Disables ABS!
  rcoscadjust     - RC Osc adjustment (64=none) : -1
(TBD) RC oscillator adjustment of some kind

BMS Data

See the BMS section for system details.

Check the Rev numbers against the known firmware versions to see if you're out of date (or possibly have newer firmware!).

*               BMS Data               *

*************  BMS #0  ***************
  - BMS Board Rev             :  01
  - BMS Firmware Rev          :  49
  - BMS Serial Number         : 2014_bms_<redacted>
  - Battery Serial Number     : <redacted>
  - CAN Rx in last second     :   55 

  - Pack SOC                  :  100%
  - Fuel Gauge                :  100%
  - Age of SOC Data           :  41 ms

  - Model Year                : 2014
  - Pack Capacity             :  91 AH
  - Pack Capacity Remaining   :  91 AH
  - Total Energy Used         : 643 KWH
  - Number Of Bricks          :   4

  - Pack Discharge Current    :  -1 A
  - Pack Sum Voltage          :  116.388 V
  - Sag-Adj Pack Sum Voltage  :  116.330 V
  - Bank Voltages             :     1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28 
                              :  4157 4157 4155 4157 4155 4157 4158 4157 4155 4157 4156 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 4157 
  - Lowest Cell Voltage       :  4155 mV ( Cell 3 )
  - Highest Cell Voltage      :  4158 mV ( Cell 7 )
  - Pack Balance              :  3 mV
  - Lowest Cell mV            :  4155 mV
  - Age of Bank Voltage Data  :  98 ms

  - Isolation Resistance      :  13635 KOhms (0x3543)
Hex value is the resistance in KOhms (hex2dec)
  - Least Isolated Cell       :  17

                              :      0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7 
  - Pack Temps                :    20C   20C   19C   19C   19C   19C   19C   19C 
  - Lowest Present Pack Temp  :  19 C
  - Max Pack Temp This Ride   :  20 C
  - Min Pack Temp This Ride   :  18 C
  - Age of BMS Temp Data      :  208 ms

  - Min Discharge Temp        :  -30 C
  - Max Charge Temp           :  50 C
  - Min Charge Temp           :  0 C
  - Max Charge C-Rate         :  1.0
  - Min Discharge C-Rate      :  7.5
  - Discharge Scale Value     :   255/255

  - Num Charge Cycles         :  434

  - BMS Total Bike Run Time   :  00:03:36
  - BMS Clock                 :  04/24/2017 22:31:58 ( 1493098318, 0x58FEDF4E )
Unix Timestamp (seconds since the Unix epoch of 1970-01-01)
  - Age of BMS Time Data      :  323 ms

  - Age of BMS Status Data    :  335 ms
  - Discrete Throttle En      :  Enabled

  CAN Status
  - Charger Attached          :   No
  - Batt Unbalanced           :   No
  - Batt Low                  :   No
  - Batt Full                 :  Yes
  - Batt Critically Low       :   No
  - Batt Temp High            :   No
  - Batt Temp Critically High :   No
  - Batt Temp Low             :   No
  - Contactor Closed          :   No
  - Isolation Fault           :   No
  - BMS Internal Fault        :   No
  - Cell Too High For Charge  :   No
  - Cell Too Low For Charge   :   No
  - Charge Halt               :   No
  - BMS Internal Disable      :   No

  CAN Commands
  - Close Contactor           :   No
  - Connect Module            :   No
  - Key On                    :   No
  - Charger Connected         :  Yes
  - Time Since Cmds Last Sent : 2184582 ms

Bluetooth Data

ZERO MBB> bluetooth
Output (2014SR)
*            Bluetooth Data            *

  - Connected                 :   No
  - Discoverable              :   Yes
  - Command Mode active       :   No
  - Tx/Rx active              :   No
  - BT Memory Read Address    :   0x00000000
  - BT Rx Buffer size (bytes) :   32
  - BT Rx Buffer used (bytes) :    0

Sevcon Data

This displays diagnostic and running information about the Sevcon motor controller.

ZERO MBB> sevcon
Output (2014SR)
*             Sevcon Data              *

  Received PDOs
  - Motor speed               :     0 RPM
  - Age of motor speed data   : 53301 ms

  - Throttle Input Voltage    :    70 mV
  - Age of throttle data      : 53302 ms

  - Motor Temp                :    27 C
  - Max Motor Temp This Ride  :    28 C
  - Age of motor temp data    : 53304 ms

  - Controller Temp           :    15 C
  - Max Ctrl Temp This Ride   :    16 C
  - Age of ctrl temp data     : 53305 ms

  - Battery Voltage           :   115.750 V
  - Capacitor Voltage         :   116.625 V
  - Contactor Coil Voltage    :   116.000 V
  - Age of voltage data       : 53307 ms

  - Current Target            :     0 Amps
  - Motor Torque              :     0 ft-lbs ( 0 Nm )
  - Motor Power               :     0 Watts
  - Age of current data       : 53309 ms

  - Speed Target              :     0 units?
  - Age of speed target data  : 53310 ms

  - Digital Inputs 1-8        :  0x04

  Transmitted PDOs
  --Drive Control--
  - Max Batt Chg Current      :   -91 A
  - Max Batt Dishg Current    :   682 A
  - Time Since DrvCtrl Sent   :  2220846 ms
  - Economy Factor            :  0x0000 

  - Access Level              :        0 
  - Motor Temp Control Mode   :     0x00 
  - Odometer Km               :      0.0 
  - Odometer Miles            :      0.0 

  - Key on Hours              :     0 
  - Key on Minutes            :     0 
  - Traction on Hours         :     0 
  - Traction on Minutes       :     0 

  - Max Eco Speed             :     0 MPH ( 0 KPH ) ( 0 RPM )
  - Max Eco Torque            :     0 %
  - Max Eco Regen Coast Tq    :     0 %
  - Max Eco Regen Brake Tq    :     0 %

  - Sevcon Firmware Rev       : 
  - Sevcon Hardware Rev       : 
  - Sevcon Serial num         : 69<redacted>

  - In Operational Mode       : Yes

  Active Sevcon Faults
  - Number of Faults          :    0

Charger Data

This displays information about Onboard Charger and accessory chargers that Zero official supports.

ZERO MBB> chargers
Output (2014SR)
*             Charger Data             *

***********  Charger #0  *************
  - Charger Type              : Meanwell
  - Attached                  :       No
  - Enabled                   :       No
  - CAN-Capable               :      Yes

***********  Charger #1  *************
  - Charger Type              :    Calex
  - Attached                  :      Yes
  - Enabled                   :       No
  - CAN-Capable               :      Yes
    - Status Bits             :   0x0000
    - Present Voltage         :   0.000 V
    - Present Current         :   0.000 A
    - Max Voltage Capable     :   0.000 V
    - Max Current Capable     :   0.000 A
    - Time since CAN RX       :    -1 ms
    - Age of status data      :    -1 ms
    - Age of max data         :    -1 ms
    - Max Voltage Allowed     : 116.400 V
    - Max Current Allowed     :  65.535 A
    - Current Taper Cutoff    :   0.000 A

***********  Charger #2  *************
  - Charger Type              :   DeltaQ
  - Attached                  :       No
  - Enabled                   :       No
  - CAN-Capable               :       No

***********  Charger #3  *************
  - Charger Type              :   DeltaQ
  - Attached                  :       No
  - Enabled                   :       No
  - CAN-Capable               :       No

***********  Charger #4  *************
  - Charger Type              :  CHAdeMO
  - Attached                  :       No
  - Enabled                   :       No
  - CAN-Capable               :      Yes
Output (2016DSR)
*             Charger Data             *

***********  Charger #0  *************
  - Charger Name              : Calex 720W
  - Attached                  : Yes
  - Enabled                   : Yes
    CAN RX
    - Status Bits             :   0x0000
    - Present Voltage         :   0.000 V
    - Present Current         :   0.000 A
    - Max Voltage Capable     :   0.000 V
    - Max Current Capable     :   0.000 A
    - Time since CAN RX       :    -1 ms
    - Age of status data      :    -1 ms
    - Age of max data         :    -1 ms
    CAN TX
    - Max Voltage Allowed     : 116.400 V
    - Max Current Allowed     :  65.535 A
    - Current Taper Cutoff    :  10.000 A

***********  Charger #1  *************
  - Charger Name              : Calex 1200W
  - Attached                  : Yes
  - Enabled                   : Yes
    CAN RX
    - Status Bits             :   0x0080
       - Charging
    - Present Voltage         : 101.361 V
    - Present Current         :  11.379 A
    - Max Voltage Capable     : 116.400 V
    - Max Current Capable     :  65.535 A
    - Time since CAN RX       :    57 ms
    - Age of status data      :    67 ms
    - Age of max data         :   109 ms
    CAN TX
    - Max Voltage Allowed     : 116.400 V
    - Max Current Allowed     :  65.535 A
    - Current Taper Cutoff    :  10.000 A

  - Total Estimated Charger Current    :  11.379 A (filtered:  11.488 A)
  - Total Reported Battery Current     :  12 A    (filtered:  14.175 A)

  - Charge Current Is Flowing          : Yes
  - Time Since Charge Current Flowing  : -2621657 ms
  - Time Since All Batteries Full      : 0 ms
  - Time Since Charge Complete         : -1 ms


ZERO MBB> inputs
Output (2014SR)
*                      All Measurements                     *

  - Key On                    :        No  - Raw : 0 (0 at last read)
  - BMS Charger Attached      :        No  - Raw : 0 (0 at last read)

  - Pack Voltage              :  115121 mV (998 ADC)
  - 3.3V Supply               :  3250 mV (555 ADC)

MBB 3.3V output measurement

  - 5V Supply                 :  5026 mV (858 ADC)

MBB 5V output measurement

  - Clutch Input              :  2997 mV (1023 ADC)


  - Battery Thr En            :   Enabled  - Raw : 4635 mV (1023 ADC)

  - Kill Switch Pos           :      Stop  - Raw : 0 mV (0 ADC)
  - Kickstand Switch Pos      :      Down  - Raw : 2997 mV (1023 ADC)
  - Start Switch Pos          :      Open  - Raw : 0 mV (0 ADC)


  - Medium Speed Switch Pos   :       Off  - Raw : 0 mV (0 ADC)


  - Low Speed Switch Pos      :       Off  - Raw : 0 mV (0 ADC)


  - Brake Switch              :       Off
  - Loopback Detect           :    Closed
  - OB Charger 0 Attached     :       Yes
  - OB Charger 1 Attached     :        No
  - OB Charger 2 Attached     :        No
  - Ext Charger 0 Attached    :        No
  - Ext Charger 1 Attached    :        No

  - Board Temp                :  25 C  (564 ADC)
  - Ambient Temp              :  16 C  (670 ADC)
  - MCU Temp                  :  11 C  (623 ADC)


ZERO MBB> outputs
Output (2014SR)
*             All Outputs              *

  - System On                 :   On
  - DC/DC Converter En        :  Off

  - Ext Sw 5V                 :  Off

  - Warning Light             :  Off
  - Temp Warning LED          :  Off
  - Charge LED                :   On
  - Armed LED                 :  Off

  - DC/DC Converter En        :  Off

  - Onboard Charger Enable    :  Off
  - External Charger Enable 0 :  Off
  - External Charger Enable 1 :  Off

  - Sevcon Controller En      :  Off
  - Sevcon Forward            :  Off
  - Sevcon Eco Mode           :  Off
  - Sevcon Custom Mode        :   On
  - Sevcon Brake Regen        :  Off

  - Bluetooth Auto Discovery  :  0
  - Bluetooth Reset_n         :  1
  - Bluetooth Reset Defaults  :  0


Shows the state of the instrument cluster; information fed to it, and its mode and switch status.

This likely differs substantially on pre-2014 model years.

ZERO MBB> dash
Output (2014SR)
*                        Dash Info                          *

  - Status Data               :  0x 00 00 16 22 05 FA 02 02
The Hex-displayed binary data reported in its last CAN message.
  - Status Bits               :  0x0000
  - Adj Button                :  No
  - Sel Button                :  No
  - Reset Trip 1              :  No
  - Reset Trip 2              :  No
  - Reset Avg WattHours       :  No
  - Reset Range               :  No
Status bits is likely the first two bytes of Status Data
Status bits likely encodes a bitfield of the five binary controls listed here in that order (on while pressed) (to confirm).
  - Clock (24H)               :  22:34
  - Odo Data                  :  0x 07 5D 02 00 00 00 00 00
  - Odometer                  :  015488.7 Km
  - Odometer Raw              :  154887 Km*10
Byte-flip Odo Data to get the Odometer Raw figure. 075D02 flipped = 25D07 hex2dec = 154887.
The odometer reading divides by 10, so this indicator counts hectometres.
TBD: the dash odometer limit. The display seems to fit six figures of KM and one decimal figure.
  - Time since Dash CAN RX    :    54 ms
  - Time since Dash Status RX :    54 ms
  - Time since Dash Odo RX    :    55 ms
When the MBB last heard a CAN message from the dash

Event Log

  eventlogdump    - Display the contents of the event log 
  eventlogclear   - Clears the Event log  Destroys all existing log entries.
  eventlogadd     - Adds an arbitrary string to the Event Log

Error Log

  errorlogdump    - Display the contents of the error log 
  errorlogclear   - Clears the Event log  Destroys all existing log entries.
  errorlogadd     - Adds an arbitrary string to the Error Log

Diagnostic Tests

  test isolation -v     - perform isolation tests (doctorbass at EMF)
