France Rugby World Cup

Member since January, 2022

The Rugby World Cup France 2023 Organising Committee revealed this Tuesday an action plan aimed at leaving a social and environmental legacy that will resonate beyond the tournament.

At the Académie du Climat in Paris, Rugby World Cup France 2023 and World Rugby confirmed their ambition to raise the existing standards for international sporting events in terms of social responsibility, inclusion, and sustainable development.

Four key engagements have been taken: acting for a sustainable and circular economy; investing in education, training and employment; reducing impact on the environment; fostering inclusion and accessibility for all. France 2023 also presented 15 innovative projects, some already launched and others soon to be deployed, which all bring tangible proof of France 2023’s positive action.

Preparing the France Rugby World Cup 2023 in France Preparations by the rwc live France 2023 Organising Committee and World Rugby are gathering pace since hosting passed from Japan.

It started in 2018, when the RWC 2023 logo and brand identity were unveiled, continued with the Pool Draw announcement in late 2019, and continues to peak with the first commercial partnerships signed this year. In Paris, the Organising Committee HQ was inaugurated, and, around the country, nine host cities were honoured to be selected as official team base camps. These towns, from Lille in the north to Nice in the south, and including Saint-Étienne, Nantes, Marseille, Toulouse and Lyon, are set to welcome 20 teams competing across 48 matches. A rousing manifesto, “Bougeons les lignes!” (Let’s shift the lines!) debuted, to engage youth, unite regions and communities, and promote unity through diversity. As well as this, a celebration of rugby’s values in a national and international societal context is taking place.