From Unofficial Zero Manual
The MBB has an event log which an owner can access.
- The BMS on each installed battery also has an event log that can be emitted, but takes longer to access.
- The logs are encoded in a custom binary format with a header and a number of event entries.
- Messages are often embedded within the file in addition to numeric measurements referred to as conditions.
- Reading the logs involves using a parser.
- Zero provides log parsing as a service to dealers and owners when you send them logs, but the community has developed parsers for roadside assistance or help when Zero is not cooperative.
- Access
- See the Official Mobile Application for instructions on how to do this normally.
- See MBB Console for direct interactive access.
- Mobile
- On Android, logs which have been produced by the Zero Motorcycles application can be found in Android/data/com.ZeroMotorcycles/files/ and are named with the VIN, the source (MBB or BMS), the timestamp, and end in .bin, whether or not they actually emailed correctly.
- Format
- The logs are encoded in a custom binary format with a header and a number of event entries.
- Messages are often embedded within the file in addition to numeric measurements referred to as conditions.
- The format has been reverse engineered into a relatively well-documented format here: https://github.com/zero-motorcycle-community/zero-log-parser/blob/master/log_structure.md
- Interpretation
- The files can be interpreted via the code at https://github.com/zero-motorcycle-community or the web interface at http://home.hasslers.net/zerologparser/